Black Monday: The Aerospoke Crisis

(This is now an endangered species!!!)

I'm usually not one to overreact. The sub-prime mortgage crisis, global warming, poison toys from China--I take these things in stride. So as I checked in with the various news outlets this morning, it was with the usual casual detachment--until I clicked over to and read this:

Attention customers interested in Aerospoke wheels:

Due to the high demand in these wheels there is a 2 week wait time. The Aerospoke Company themselves can not keep up with the orders. The availability of them is constantly fluxuating! From a 2-4 day wait time to a possible 3 week wait time. Especially orders with powdercoating. I have them available online to order, But at this time it is only for pre orders. If you need it to show up in less time please do not order from here.

Now I was scared. A worldwide Aerospoke shortage is about the most horrifying scenario I can contemplate. I was just about to hit the streets and start looting when it occurred to me to check the Aerospoke website. I mean, just because King Kog doesn't have them doesn't mean they're really not available, right?


700c--out of stock.

26 inch--out of stock!

20"--OUT OF STOCK!!!

Even tandem wheelsets are out of stock! (Yes, Aerospoke makes tandem wheelsets.)

Okay, no big deal, right? I can get one on eBay! There's nothing you can't get on eBay. You can get a wood-rimmed wheelset on eBay for a BIN of $425.

Guess what? Apart from a couple random sizes, you can't get them on eBay.

Like a cancer diagnosis after decades of smoking, the invasion of Pearl Harbor after a century of isolationism, or the day you finally admit to yourself that you should not have gotten that Whitesnake tattoo, this was the moment when the reality of the situation became undeniable and I realized that my life would be changed forever.

We can no longer keep our heads buried in the sand. We need to deal with the Aerospoke Crisis. People, we need to act! And while I'm only one person, I plan to do my part by brainstorming some temporary solutions. Here's what I've come up with so far:


There are thousands of people all over America with brand-new track frames. They are slowly building these frames according to rigorous style guidelines in order to post them to internet photo galleries, and in some cases even ride them. However, a chilling number of these people are simply a front Aerospoke away from completing their rides and knowing the joys of fixed-gear cycling. If you are fortunate enough to already own an Aerospoke, lend it to one of these riders! If it's your only wheel, pass it back and forth so you can at least both ride every other day. And if you have more than one, for the love of God, give it to somebody! This is no time to be selfish!


Normally I'm a staunch advocate of front brake use when riding a fixed-gear on the road. However, in times like these we have to make sacrifices. While a front brake may be safe, it also wears out your braking surface. And we don't know how long this shortage is going to last. So until Aerospoke catches up on demand, I implore everybody to remove that brake, put on a beefy rear tire, and protect that precious Aerospoke! (Oh yeah--don't crash.)


Just like alternative fuel sources such as solar power, vegetable oil, and alcohol are no substitute for sweet, fragrant gasoline, no wheel can ever truly replace a powdercoated Aerospoke. However, right now we have no choice. Here are a few possibilities, along with their pros and cons:

Mavic iO:

Pros: Awesome looking!

Cons: Not NJS; tubular; costs $3,000

Spinergy Rev-X:

Pros: Awesome looking!; the Macarena of cycling wheels, they are a fad most would like to forget, and anyone who's got one laying around will probably pay you to take it.

Cons: No longer made or supported by Spinergy, so you don't get their world-famous warranty service (though you can trade them in for their latest crappy wheels); famous for exploding in a carbon-fiber hailstorm of Belfast confetti

Wheelchair Wheels:

Pros: Awesome looking!; comparable in price to Aerospokes; no unsightly braking surface; handrail has great potential for stunting

Cons: 25" size only good for pursuit bikes; Limited tire choice

If you have ideas, please share them. In the meantime, thanks for reading. Together we WILL get through this!
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