Kathi, Art Institure South Garden, Chicago, IL

Tell me about your bike, and where you got it?  My bike is a RED (favorite color!!) and black TREK 4100. It was a gift from my father for my birthday about 6 years ago.

Where are you going?  You caught me riding from lunch with a friend in the Art Institute south gardens back to work at Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts.
What are you wearing?  I'm wearing a long skirt and summer top, with bike helmet and Nike sandals.The skirt is easy to bike in if you clip it up with some binder clips!

Why ride?   Bike riding in the city is quick and direct. And I get to spend more time outside, in the park having lunch!

Favorite ride?  My favorite ride in the city is along the lakefront, to and from work. Second favorite is riding to visit friends in my neighborhood in the evenings.

While riding you …?  I find when I ride I daydream about people, places, situations... I often come up with solutions to problems while on a bike ride.

How can Chicago improve bike infrastructure or make the city more bike friendly?  improve bike infrastructure or make Chicago more bike friendly?
Mark the lakefront paths for BIKES/SKATERS and PEDESTRIANS. Many pedestrians don't use the nicer paths designed just for them. For some reason they continue walking on the bike sections, even though it's hard for them to walk when people on wheels are whizzing by. I think it's because they are not aware the pedestrian paths are often nicer for strolling, and they are located ONLY about 16 feet east of the bike path, closer to the water.
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