Regina Update

I got some terrible news last night.  Gina, who's photo I posted yesterday was hit by a car last night on the northside of Chicago.  It was a pretty major accident and she was hospitalized. I have very little details but just wanted to send some well wishes her way.  Get well soon Gina.

Gina's accident really has made me reevaluate my blog.  The main reason I started this blog was to raise the visibility of female commuter cyclists inspired by this Scientific American Article.  
The Chicago Tribune also recently wrote about the same topic saying that women are the "indicator species" in urban cycling. As a population, women are more risk adverse, and they cycle more when they feel safe.  When I hear about friends and acquaintances getting hit by cars, I realize that Chicago still has a LONG way to go to make cycling safe for everyone.  The truth is that it can be very dangerous.  I've been doored, clipped, and ended up on the hood of the car, and it is terrifying.  To anyone that has been hit, Active Trans offers crash support Take care and be safe out there!
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