Sure, I realize that I could just as easily be a hockey fan lamenting the fact that a bicycle race interrupted my sport of choice, but the fact is that even when cycling doesn't get interrupted they don't air the entire stage (not like I'm complaining, mind you--only Californians and striking Europeans can find five to six hours a day to watch bike racing), and it seems like they could have sacrificed just a few minutes of "mullets on ice" to bring us the final moments of our already-abbreviated coverage.
Of course, what Versus really needs to realize is that cycling is more than just a game--it's a "culture." I mean, we had our very own summit and everything! "Bike culture" is without a doubt the most influential culture the world has seen since the Mughal Empire or the Ming Dynasty. When I plug the term "bike culture" into a popular search engine, I get stirring images like this:

Speaking of "culture," when that word pops up you can be sure douchery will ensue, just as you can be sure that your Versus cycling coverage will be interrupted when it's time for the hockey game. For this reason, my douche-detecting radar (or "douchedar") began pinging when I happened upon this article in The New York Times:

We've already seen the "zen simplicity" of the fixed-gear become the $2,000 urban runabout. We've seen the simple cup of coffee become the 12-hour five Japanese slow-dripper bukkake "epic." We've seen the "Saffron King" pedal his Specialized Globe to a downtown "speakeasy" and drink a $15 cocktail. Now, we can add to that the concept of "high-end snacking" and the "haute stoner cuisine movement."
It seems to me that, if marijuana has anything to teach, it's that you can take pleasure in pretty much anything. The mundane occurrence suddenly becomes a source of laughter; everyday scenery seems beautiful; the heretofore unwatchable movie is transformed into a masterpiece; plain food and beverage seems delicious; and so forth. Having been afforded this new perspective, perhaps you come to realize how much your perception and attitude shapes your experience, and how insignificant the differences between material items really can be. And just as you discover you don't need special items to make you happy, you might eventually even find you don't necessarily need intoxicants to alter your perspective, and that indeed your perspective is something you determine yourself. At that moment, you're free, for you have found the key to happiness, and it is contingent on nothing but you.
Or, alternately, you can keep "like four or five different types" of marijuana in your refrigerator at all times, eat designer hot dogs, and, instead of just eating a bowl of cereal, chase the rarefied delight of "a dessert based on the slightly sweet flavor of milk at the bottom of a cereal bowl" by going to Momofuko.
Not that there's anything wrong with any of that--it just strikes me as a tremendous pain in the ass. The popular idea of "culture" seems to involve constantly refining the "lowbrow" experience, and I'd think and hope that at a certain point people would grow tired of constantly chasing the dragon of douchery.
Speaking of getting carried away, it seems the entire city of Portland has united to find a stolen folding bike:

Speaking of politically incorrect language, some people refer to inverted road drops as "bum bars," and a reader has recently informed me that (in what as far as I know is a first in the bicycle industry) one manufacturer called Bohemia Cycles is now offering this cockpit configuration "stock:"

They also offer what may be the shortest-ever stem on a production bike:

While these setups may seem ill-advised, you can rest assured that Bohemian Cycles has indeed given them long and careful thought:

Yes, thanks to this painstaking attention to detail, you now buy a brand-new bicycle equipped with what Portlanders call "transients/homeless people bars."

Handlebars, stems, seat posts and other components receive the same attention to detail.
Yes, thanks to this painstaking attention to detail, you now buy a brand-new bicycle equipped with what Portlanders call "transients/homeless people bars."
Still, while restauranteurs try to recreate the taste of milk that has been sitting in a bowl of Froot Loops, and while bicycle manufacturers try to sell designer "bum bars," there is simply no substitute for the real thing. This is why the best cockpit setups occur naturally on the streets, such as this absolutely mind-bending arrangement spotted by a reader in London:

It looks like the mandibles of some horrific insect:
This is more than "attention to detail"--it's outright delirium. Let's see Bohemian Cycles sell that.

It looks like the mandibles of some horrific insect: