Starting with a Flathead. Bones Legacy brought out several wild bikes. Why they all have to have extreme showboat features is beyond me? I suppose it works for a show setting since there was always a crowd around them, but lots of lookers doesn't always translate into positive attention. At this length there maybe leverage issues but I wonder why you never see folks running a milder version of these springer rockers, for say a couple of inches or so of added height?

This 45 would be much nicer if you removed some of the gee wiz stuff. Yeah, I said it. I'm sorry I didn't get shots of their Pan VL.

Again, nice craftsmanship but those pipes... really?!!!

Interesting Sporty. Hard tails and this kind of height aren't usually seen together. Wish I'd taken a better look at it. Is that a rear head spun around and mounted up front?

Last year's give away bike. It's getting ridden.

Slims latest personal bike. I don't think I've seen a chopped Mach III since the Seventies. It's got to be fast as hell.

Was this ridden in? Strange choice of wheels and tires. What's up with that fender?

Ending with a Flathead. Something a little more restrained, Drew's UL.