This Just In: RTMS Invited to Media Thing!

(image by Urchin)
Yes, that's right. The blogger-turned-street art phenomenon formerly known as "BikeSnobNYC" received an invitation yesterday via email from the Great Trek Bicycle Making Company to listen in on a "company update" via conference call. However, due to technical issues, scheduling issues, and general RTMS ineptitude, I was unable to listen. I was, however, able to take screenshots of the simultaneous video presentation. I showed up late, and I couldn't hear anything, but these should give you some idea of what was being discussed:

(Greg LeMond is apparently being annoying again.)

(Greg LeMond is apparently being litigious again.)
(Apparently it's a great day to be working at Specialized.)
OK, so it would appear that Trek and LeMond are having a slap fight and parting ways or something. There's some sort of Q&A thing coming up with John Burke, though I don't know if I'll be able to participate. I'm sure the legitimate cycling press will be able to fill you in. Frankly, the most noteworthy thing about this to me was that the Great Trek Bicycle Making Company included me. I guess that makes me part of the "media" and not just some smartass with a free Blogger account.
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