BSNYC Tuesday Fun Quiz: Memorial Day Weekend Test-tacular!

I don't know what was worse this past weekend--getting out of Manhattan on Friday in the dense holiday weekend traffic, or spending the holiday weekend in the city. All I do know is that I can at least spread the misery around by hitting you with a quiz on your first day back. Don't worry, though--it's a short one, and it should be pretty easy too. Simply study the photographs below and click on your answer. If you're right you'll see either the item or a clear indication you're correct. If you're wrong, you'll see corduroy.

Good luck!

The above vehicle, which I encountered on Friday, belongs to:

--The HairWeavingNYC Mobile Strike Force

--A Trinidadian diplomat

--Master Hair Weaver Clem LueYat

--Transportation Alternatives Executive Director Paul Steely White

What's going on in the above picture?

--A bunch of porta-potties are on their way out to the Hamptons for the weekend

--The DOT is making good on its "Coordinated Street Furniture Franchise" program by making mobile public restrooms available to motor vehicle commuters stuck in traffic

--A bunch of porta-potties are being rounded up and placed into internment camps for not wearing cones of smugness

--I've finally gotten past the hairweaving SUV only to get stuck behind a freaking flatbed full of plastic outhouses

What's remarkable about this tall bike?

--I encountered it in the genteel Cobble Hill neighborhood of Brooklyn

--There was no vomit on or around it

--Grant Petersen would no doubt approve of the handlebar/saddle relationship

--All of the above

Obey? Oy vey! The above t-shirt, spotted at an evening soiree, was remarkable because:

--The wearer was smoking heavily and the guy on the shirt is wearing a gas mask

--I did not vomit on or around it

--Grant Petersen would no doubt disapprove of the fact that both the wearer and the guy on the shirt seemed to be having trouble keeping their pants up

--All of the above

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