This Also Just In Too, As Well: Opinionated Cyclist Goes Crazy

While this site may traffic in derision, the reality is that I consider us all to be one big family. And as a family, I like to think that we're always welcoming new members into the fold. Just a few who have come into our lives and brought joy into our hearts over these past months include:

Kevin, the tattooed exhibitionist handlebar vendor;

Malaysian pop sensation Letle Viride;

(erik k)

It is for this reason that I was simultaneously concerned and entertained to learn that beloved cyclist personality Opinionated Cyclist (whom many of you met here on Good Friday) has apparently lost his mind. Here he is showing off an artificial kidney he has fashioned from a potato:

This is but one example of what seems to be the new OC. The rules of decency to which I do my best to adhere prohibit me from sharing with you the subject matter of his many latest posts, though if you visit his Youtube page you can find out for yourself. I will say that the word "dildo" comes up with alarming frequency, and that it is also used in conjunction with the word "mother." There is also much talk of colons. (Anatomical, not punctuative.)

Troubled, I visited his Facebook fan club in the hope that I might learn more about what's going on, but it's holding fast at three members and it contained no useful information. The many interview requests I have sent him have gone unanswered. In any event, let us hope that this represents not a cracking up but simply another stage (albeit a scatological one) in the evolution of a genius. Let us all send good thoughts to our wayward brother.

And maybe buy a t-shirt.

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