In the meantime, though, I'm pleased to report that I've made some fascinating discoveries recently. Firstly, you may recall three-time Tour de France winner Greg LeMond's controversial and awkwardly-delivered talk at the "Play the Game" conference in Coventry, UK not too long ago. Well, audio from a second microphone placed behind the podium reveals what very well could have been the cause of his befuddlement:
You've got to give LeMond credit for covering so convincingly with the drinking glass. Clearly he's no amateur. I bet he also blocks the crack in his hotel room door with a rolled-up bath towel dorm room-style.
My second discovery concerns what could very well be a new trend in fixed-gear freestyling. I was visiting Prolly's blog recently where I saw this video of noted fixed-gear freestyler Keo Curry:

If you're not familiar with Keo Curry, you may recall him as the amateur metallurgist who proclaimed that steel frames "draw a circle" while aluminum ones produce "a square feel." Well, I was taking note of his setup (I'm always looking to improve my own fixed-gear freestyling) when I realized that I'd seen his bicycle someplace before:

And with that, I present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you're right, and if you're wrong you're wrong--and you're also going to learn correct cycling posture from an "enthusiastic triathlete."
Thanks for reading, drink responsibly, and ride safe this weekend. (That means no R-Sys rubbage!)


--Riser bars
--Unibrow bars
--Frida bars
--Any of the above is acceptable

--The world's youngest hipster
--A typical New York City fixed-gear freestyler
--The new Cinelli x Sesame Street limited edition "collabo" bike
--The new Outlier Tailored Performance Clothing children's line
4) On what kind of bike are these aerobars mounted?
--A Bianchi B.A.S.S. single-speed mountain bike
--A Fuji Obey brakeless track bike
--A Trek Y-Foil
--A Co-Motion tandem

5) The future of on-the-bike beverage consumption is:
--The CamelBak hydration messenger bag
--The helmet-mounted bottle holder
--The Top Tube-Mounted Bottle Cap (TTMBC)

6) How do you have a party Garmin-Slipstream style?
--Get together with your teammates and test each-other's urine
--Put on a Garmin-Slipstream t-shirt and guzzle wine from pint glasses
--Slather yourself with DZ Nuts and drink Thunderbird fortified wine and grapefruit juice
--This is a trick question; Garmin-Slipstream do not have fun

7) In the Craigslist universe, a garment can indeed be "checkered-ish."

--Dave Zabriskie onomatopoetically reproducing the sound of a puncture on his Twitter
--The sound of actor James Mason savoring a class of chilled Thunderbird
--The Lone Wolf's mantra
--"the sniffn sound"
***Special "This Is How the Magic Happens" Bonus Question***

--Winning the final stage of the 2009 Tour de France on the Champs-Élysées
--Chasing a chicken like Rocky Balboa
--Riding with a piece of green duct-tape on his mouth
--Staring in disbelief at the "oversized bottom bracket" of the rider in front of him