Personally, I'm not a big comic strip fan in general, and I usually find the "Yehuda Moon" strip in particular to be a bit too mild for my liking. (By which I mean not enough people get kicked in the "pants yabbies.") However, I was clicking through it recently anyway and was shocked to find this:

Speaking of things that are wrong, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you'll see confirmation, and if you're wrong you'll see a Radio Shack commercial from 1984 featuring celebrity spokesperson Bill Bixby.
Enjoy the weekend, ride safe, and remember that U-locks are for locking, not coldcocking.

2) "Wheresoever pointeth the spotlight, there goeth I." Who's Greg LeMond hassling now?
--Alberto Contador
--Lance Armstrong
--Andy Schleck
--Dmitry Fofonov

3) This person is:
--A messenger
--A fakenger
--A roadie
--A bike thief

4) "A revolution is taking place on the city streets of Australia." What is this revolution?
--People are refusing to drive on the left-hand side of the road
--People are riding fixed-gear bikes
--People are riding fixed-gear bikes
--People are making bad bike-themed rap videos
--People are wearing ugly jackets

5) You can make a handlebar mount for your smart phone out of:
--People are wearing ugly jackets

5) You can make a handlebar mount for your smart phone out of:

6) Someone is hunting Seattle cyclists with:
--An air rifle
--A bow and arrow
--A slingshot
--A blowgun

7) Talk about cure-ated! This budget Pista has been customized with:
--Ace bandages
--Tucks medicated pads
--Bacon tape
8) Which team's car was banned from the caravan for reckless driving at the Cascade Cycling Classic in Bend, OR?
--Rock Racing
--Team Type 1
--Team Type O Negative