Today is a big day in the Tour de France, and in keeping with the BSNYC/RTMS Code of Ethics (free copies are available upon request; please send a SASE and $250 in postage) I will not be including any "spoilers." However, there are two things I feel are worth mentioning. Firstly, according to the live updates on Cyclingnews, George Hincapie is "palping" a CamelBak even as I type:

Speaking of disgusting videos, a reader has just forwarded me a bicycle-themed music video from Australia:
Frankly, I feel this video is a far greater affront to cycledom than yesterday's craven U-lock beatdown. Even though there's no violence in this video, the real truth is that when hipsters with U-locks attack it's simply in a flurry of limp flailings, and as such they only leave a trail of superficial injuries in their wake. However, nothing cuts deeper than shame, and this video made me embarrassed to be a cyclist. Even before it gets to the part with the Queen "Bicycle Race" sample (a song which is sickening enough to me on its own) I already found myself contemplating putting my entire "stable" (or "quiver," or "livery," or "arsenal," or whatever term bike reviewers are using now) on Craigslist and taking up curling instead. (However, I'd probably opt for the new "fixed curling," which is done on pavement and which is "totally zen.") It also made me afraid of Australia, where the musicians apparently look like fairer-complected versions of the DJ from "Zoolander."
Also, while I didn't notice any Frida bars in the video, I think I might have seen the real-life Frida Bars:
Conversely, sometimes no matter how badly you want to keep something you wind up losing it anyway, as evidenced by this flyer posted on the Manhattan side of the Manhattan Bridge:
But while the sight of an abused Raleigh wandering the streets in search of food might seem odd, stranger things have "gone down" in New York City. For example, the guy who caught the Nü-Fred U-lock beatdown on video also apparently saw a dramatic fight between two women, though he failed to document it:

Date: 2009-07-22, 9:36PM EDT
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You were riding your bike on manhattan ave. around 8pm.You were a brunette wearing a bluish/grayish dress and your armpits were totally unshaven (very sexy & bold). I would like to meet you. Maybe for a couple of drinks. Hope you see this and if you are interested email me....
Really, the only thing sexier and bolder than a woman with unshaven armpits is a woman who bike-salmons and then makes a u-turn right into a taxi:

Girl on a bike who got hit by a taxi - m4w - 36 (12th St/5th Ave)
Date: 2009-07-22, 8:35PM EDT
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Me- tall man in khakis and a white polo.
You- girl on a bike who just missed running me over (well, you WERE going the wrong way, but I like that about you).
You made a big circle in the next intersection and then got hit by a taxi. I waited to make sure you were OK, while my life was still flashing before my eyes. After it was over, I decided I needed a drink.
And then I realized there was nobody else I wanted a drink with more than you.
Is it too late?
Really, it's hard enough to keep taxis from hitting you when you're doing everything right, so you shouldn't increase the already high likelihood of it by salmoning. The average taxi driver is far more dangerous than even the most addled U-lock-wielding Nü-Fred, and neither the strongest helmet nor the most highly-shellacked mullet is enough to keep you safe from their maniacal driving:
Really, if you're one of those people who simply must "palp" Italian at all times, you might want to go with something like this instead: