Katie rides a vintage Marinoni road bike built up and powder coated red. |
Where are you going? To my office in west lakeview.
Make/model color of your bike, and where you got it? It's a Marinoni that I acquired on ebay for a song. a friend's dad powdercoated it red for me, and another friend built it up for me.
What are you wearing? A Prana dress, tights of unknown origin and ancient Converse.
Why ride? it's a pleasing way to get from here to there, especially on gorgeous days like these.
What are you wearing? A Prana dress, tights of unknown origin and ancient Converse.
Why ride? it's a pleasing way to get from here to there, especially on gorgeous days like these.
Favorite ride? Up milwaukee till it meets elston, then back down elston till it meets back with milwaukee. it's particularly enjoyable in the wee hours of the morning. the southside part of the path is another top contender.
While riding you …? scheme!
How can Chicago improve bike infrastructure or make Chicago more bike friendly? The city might consider fixing potholes in bike lanes instead of just painting over and obscuring them. yikes!