Los Angeles Lives by Car, but Learns to Embrace Bikes

creative commons flickr image from ubrayj02

The New York Times has a article on Los Angeles, a city normally overrun with cars, learning to embrace bicycling. Here's the link!

Thanks to our awesome meeting of bike folks last Thursday, we're planning some new exciting things with the BikeLab, such as a station for repairing bikes during lunchtime one day a week at Caltech's Chandler Cafe. Get your tires pumped, your flat fixed, make adjustments and your ride ready for the road. Stay tuned!

I was reminded yesterday of one of the benefits of biking to work when I met Paul Anzel and Eric Lubeck at a red light yesterday. We were all on our bikes. Paul said, "Now I suppose you're wondering why I called this meeting...". You can interact with your environment and other people on a bike. That's not something that typically happens when driving.

Margie and Srimoyee are also managing our new Twitter account @caltechbikelab!
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