Worst of NYC Craigslist: More Sickly-Sweet, Gooey Bike Love

Okay, if you're anything like me, after all this heavy talk about marketing you need a little palate cleanser before the weekend. And believe it or not, I was visiting Craigslist's "Missed Connections" sections for a voyeur's view of how cyclists court each-other (or fail to court each-other) even before Bike Snob Chicago. Depending on your own disposition, you can either view these would-be encounters as tragicomically unsewn kernels of love, or as incredibly fortunate moments in which two more idiots fail to meet, couple and procreate. Here are some of the latest examples so you can read and decide for yourself:

girl on bike: purple rims, white moccasins - m4w (Greenwich Village)
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-11-01, 11:25PM EDT
i saw you ride by near 13th st. & 5th ave this afternoon. we pretty much need to be friends or something.

She also pretty much needs to stop riding a fixed-gear in leather socks. Then again, anyone so resolute in her own impracticality would probably not be attracted to your coy wishy-washiness. Next time do a rain dance and when she takes cover from the storm place a Navajo blanket over her shoulders and present her with a beaded and fringed u-lock holster. And try to keep your powder dry, Dances With Wolves.

cute boy on bike // bird on arm? - w4m
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-10-31, 3:42PM EDT

i smiled at you
you were in motions
i couldn't do this in person
find me?
i was wearing a _______ hat...

If that was an actual bird on his arm and not a tattoo, and if the word that fits in that blank space is "pirate," then I've only got two words: it's on!

Biking Downtown on West Side Highway While I was Running Uptown - m4w (Midtown West)
Reply to: [deleted]
Date: 2007-10-28, 9:31PM EDT

You were biking downtown on the West Side Highway while I was running uptown. I had a rucksack on, training for adventure race. You had a cute smile on. Our eyes locked as long as we were in visual of each other until you whisked away in your bike. Let me know if you see this. Maybe tea or coffee?

"Mick, was that you?!?"

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