The BSNYC Good Friday Over-Share

Remember cyclocross? You know, that thing you tried a few years ago, swore you'd never do again, and ever since then has somehow become the highlight of your season? Well, I'm pleased to announce that the new issue of Cyclocross Magazine includes an article I wrote about why 'cross will never jump the shark. (And it has nothing to do with the fact that placing a shark tank between a pair of barriers is not only UCI-illegal, but also prohibitively expensive and downright dangerous.) Look--they put my name on the cover and everything! And rest assured there are also much better articles and interviews in here concerning people who are actually good at 'cross as well. So if you love 'cross (or if you hate it, which you undoubtedly do if you partake in it) check it out.

Moving on, there's something else I'd like to share with you as well. As the author of a popular cycling blog, I've gained access to certain perks and benefits that are simply not available to the average cyclist. For example, I no longer pay for tubes. They just show up at my house--free! Also, I get special treatment at bike shops. I mean, they still ignore me when I come in, but they don't actively insult me. But perhaps best of all is the secret website.

That's right--when you reach a certain level in the cycling world, you get to use a secret website that gives you huge savings on all kinds of cycling gear. If you read this blog regularly, you know I'm not easily impressed, but I have to say that the secret website is absolutely amazing. The way it works is, they send you emails with a special code. Then you go to the website, order what you want, and put in the code. It's a lot like buying marijuana from a delivery service actually, and it's every bit as intoxicating. Except it's a lot cheaper.

I have to admit though that over the last few months I've started feeling a little guilty about it. I mean, who the hell am I? Why should I get special treatment? In fact, I started to think that maybe I should share the secret website with my readers. Finally, this morning, I got an email from the secret website that was so unbelievably tempting that I decided I finally had to spill the beans. Here it is:

Yup, you read that right. An additional--additional--10% off on orders of $75 or more. Just because it's Easter! You don't have to be Christian, or even like Jesus at all. (They don't check--trust me.) And they have sales like this all the time. I think you can see why I can't sit on this thing any longer. All this time I've felt like a hen, sitting on a hatching egg as the chick's beak pokes me in the crotch. So I'm finally letting the cat out of the bag--or the chick out of the egg. Of course, I can't reveal the actual URL of the site (I'm too scared to lose my priveleges) but you can see the secret discount code in the lower left of the image, which should give you a clue.

Oh, one more thing--they even invent their own components. Check this out:

Ever removed your seatpost and not remember where its position was? This rubber piece fits around your post as a reminder, aesthetically improves the seatpost/frame junction, and provides additional protection from crud getting around the seatpost. Black.

Amazing. Not only do I lose track of my saddle position all the time, but I absolutely detest the aesthetics of my seatpost/frame junction. Get out of my head, secret website. Get out of my head!

Finally, there's one more thing I'd like to share with you. (Don't ask me where all this munificence is coming from. It must be the change of season.) A reader recently shared this with me. I've been whining for awhile about the lack of variety in cycling-related TV. I've even pitched my own shows. But I've now seen the future of Bike-er-tainment, and its name is the Opinionated Cyclist:

Give this guy a talk show and a sidekick and you're in business.

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