I rode in with Ironhead Ron and his 1958 XLCH. It was just completed a couple of days before the show. This bike is way more custom than a first glance might reveal. You could spend a lot of time pouring over it's many subtle details. I just may have to do a feature on it.

A nice (rode in), Pan. You can't go wrong keeping within this traditional style.

It takes some luck to find a knuck... like this. The story I was told: The guy just picked it up days before the show at a yard sale for $4k, got it running, and blew his friends minds when he showed up unannounced.

Nice potential, fun to ride as is.

This style kept getting my attention.

Very tidy. The paint alone made you come in for a look. Look how clean the bars are. Internal control with no signs of evidence. Handlebar grips for pegs is a different touch. The bike features an electric starter, so where's the battery?

This appeared to be a well kept survivor and yes, thats a Dick Allen springer.

Bob Jobs may just be my favorite all around style.

When I glanced this knice knuck out of the corner of my eye, it took a second to realize it was Love Cycles Jeri's.

Mr. Fugles wild ride. Sorry I missed meeting him. I never even saw his booth. There was just too much to catch it all!
More to come!